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About Black Bear Express

Black Bear Express is owned by a single husband and wife who had been saving ​their money together for over 5 years in order to get into the trucking industry. ​With his wife’s support Trucker D as he's known as went to cdl school after ​covid, where he studied like crazy to learn everything he could about driving ​that truck. After Trucker D obtained his license, he went on further to add his ​hazmat and double and triple endorsement. Once Trucker D had his license, he ​quit his job as delivery driver at the machine shop he worked at in Oxford ​Michigan. He went to USF Holland in order to get behind the wheel of a class 8 ​vehicle. When USF Holland started dragging their feet and kept him driving a ​box truck not only did Trucker D start looking for employment elsewhere he also ​started doing homework on getting his own authority and becoming an owner ​operator. At the end of 2020 Trucker D left Holland and went to be a company ​driver at Continental Express working on the Aunt Millie’s account. While ​working at Continental Express Trucker D and his wife started taking online ​business classes while continuing to save money. In July of 2021 Trucker D and ​his wife started doing everything they had to do in order to get the operating ​authority started. After purchasing their first truck for 16000 dollars they ​started running power only loads from August to November when they ​purchased their very first trailer. The couple has been in business since 2021 ​they still only have 1 truck and trailer but plan on expanding in the future. ​Trucker D runs everything on the trucking side and together they do the ​finances every month. You can watch Trucker D's journey from company driver ​to owner operator on YouTube.

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